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Showing posts from July, 2021

The New Era of Lab-Grown Diamonds

Lab-Grown Diamonds are trending gemstones, and people around the world accepted them wholeheartedly. The diamonds are similar to earth-mined diamonds. Further, no one can find a massive difference between a created diamond and its counterpart in any lab test. In addition, renowned manufacturers of lab-created diamonds use carbon to make them. Even such diamonds undergo the same temperature, pressure, and other conditions required in the making process of natural diamonds. Thus, if you are going to buy artificial diamonds, you must try to reach the online store of authentic manufacturers. Manufacturing Process of lab-Grown Diamonds The manufacturers of lab-grown diamonds primarily follow techniques to make these diamonds. Hence, two types of lab-made diamonds exist in the market, namely High Pressure and High Temperature (HTPT) and Chemical Vapor Deposition (CVD) diamonds. In both techniques, the manufacturers ensure an ideal condition in labs to create artificial diamonds. Conseque